
罗伯特J. 安德伍德杰出服务奖

This award is presented for outstanding service to the National Association of Personal Financial Advisors (NAPFA) or the advancement of the practice of fee-only 财务规划 by an individual association or professional staff member. 这个奖项是为特殊情况而颁发的, 长期服务于NAPFA, 主要通过委员会服务或其他类似的捐款. "Unsung hero" or "above and beyond the call of duty" are two ways to describe past recipients.

奖项所考虑的标准 & 认可委员会:

  • Contributions that significantly and consistently impact NAPFA and/or the advancement of the profession through service to the Association.
  • Demonstrated ability and willingness to serve as a teacher or formal/informal mentor to other professionals.
  • 表现出对NAPFA的领导承诺和参与.

这些贡献可能是一次行为,也可能是一次累积的表现. 重要性将通过对从业者的积极影响来衡量, 消费者, 或者整个行业. 候选人所付出的努力也会被考虑在内.

  • 潜在的收件人: NAPFA成员或职员.
  • 提名过程: Nominations will be solicited from the membership through multiple communications channels. The nomination should identify the specific act(s) or performance for which the award is recommended, 以及对其影响的简要描述.
  • 选择过程: A committee of three individuals will select from nominees submitted by the membership and the Board.
  • 演示: 该奖项将与其中一次全国会议一起颁发.
  • 该奖项不必每年颁发.


This award is presented for significant contribution(s) that greatly enhances fee-only financial advisors, 提供财务咨询服务的职业, or helps educate 消费者 on the benefits of having a comprehensive financial plan and working with a highly qualified financial advisor by a non-member. 这个奖项是为特殊情况而颁发的, 长期 service to the profession or public.

奖项所考虑的标准 & 认可委员会:

  • 大大提高收费财务顾问的贡献, 提供财务咨询服务的职业, or helps educate 消费者 on the benefits of comprehensive 财务规划 and working with a highly qualified financial advisor.
  • 表现出作为倡导者的能力和意愿, 为专业或公众提供教育或讲故事的人.
  • Demonstrated leadership commitment and involvement in issues related to consumer protection, 财务规划, 教育或读写能力.

这些贡献可能是一次行为,也可能是一次累积的表现. 重要性将通过对从业者的积极影响来衡量, 消费者, 或者整个行业. 候选人所付出的努力也会被考虑在内.

  • 潜在的收件人: Non-NAPFA成员 (journalist, state or national politician, government employee, 等.)
  • 提名过程: Nominations will be solicited from the membership through multiple communications channels. The nomination should identify the specific act(s) or performance for which the award is recommended, 以及对其影响的简要描述.
  • 选择过程: A committee of three individuals will select from nominees submitted by the membership and the Board.
  • 演示: 该奖项将与其中一次全国会议一起颁发.
  • 该奖项不必每年颁发.


The NAPFA DEI优秀奖 is designed to recognize the achievements and efforts of 公司s to advance DEI in their organizations. The award will be granted based on specific initiatives executed at the 公司 level.

奖项所考虑的标准 & 认可委员会

  • 在DEI中在公司、员工或社区层面执行的计划.
  • 致力于财务规划专业多元化的重要性.
  • Commitment to creating an inclusive and welcoming environment for employees and clients of the 公司.

Recognizes internal and external initiatives at 公司s specifically developed to increase diversity, 公司的公平性和包容性, 员工, 或者它所服务的客户和社区. The 公司s recognized will have demonstrated results showing progress in their DEI journeys at the employee, 公司, 或者社区层面. Up to three awards may be granted, one in each of the following categories, as defined below:

  • 个人公司:1-2名员工,收入低于100万(~低于1亿资产管理规模)
  • 中型公司:3-10名员工,收入在100 - 500万美元之间. (~ 100 m-1b资产管理)
  • 大公司:雇员超过11人,收入超过500万美元. (~超过1亿AUM)


  • 潜在的收件人: 所有拥有napfa附属专业人员的事务所
  • 选择过程: A committee of three individuals will select from nominees submitted by the membership and the Board.
  • 演示: 该奖项将与其中一次全国会议一起颁发.
  • 该奖项不必每年颁发.


This award is presented to a member who has established a record of encouraging, motivating and engaging others in reaching their full professional potential under the auspices of the Association. 这个奖项是为特殊情况而颁发的, 长期, 为NAPFA服务, 主要作为老师, 导师或教练.

奖项所考虑的标准 & 认可委员会:

  • Demonstrated support and encouragement of other fee-only professionals to participate in NAPFA as an avenue to professional achievement.
  • 发展同事,并通过指导或指导鼓励同事.
  • 作为整个协会的榜样.
  • NAPFA的积极成员,并参与协会的活动.

这些贡献可能是一次行为,也可能是一次累积的表现. Significance will be measured by a positive impact on the organization and individual members. 候选人所付出的努力也会被考虑在内.

  • 潜在的收件人: NAPFA成员
  • 提名过程: Nominations will be solicited from the membership through multiple communications channels. The nomination should identify the specific act(s) or performance for which the award is recommended, 以及对其影响的简要描述.
  • 选择过程: A committee of three individuals will select from nominees submitted by the membership and the Board.
  • 演示: 该奖项将与其中一次全国会议一起颁发.
  • 该奖项不必每年颁发.


This award is designed to recognize the achievements and contributions to the profession of young practitioner members of the Association. It may be presented to a member who has made outstanding contributions in their professional and volunteer roles.

奖项所考虑的标准 & 认可委员会:

  • Outstanding and creative approaches to problem solving within the 财务规划 profession.
  • 对所在公司和/或行业产生积极影响.
  • 为其他青年从业人员和学生树立榜样.
  • NAPFA的积极成员,并参与协会的活动.

这些贡献可能是一次行为,也可能是一次累积的表现. Significance will be measured by a positive impact on the nominees 公司 or the profession.

  • 潜在的收件人: 35岁以下的NAPFA会员
  • 提名过程: Nominations will be solicited from the membership through multiple communications channels. The nomination should identify the specific act(s) or performance for which the award is recommended, 以及对被提名者的影响/贡献的简要描述.
  • 选择过程: A committee of three individuals will select from nominees submitted by the membership and the Board.
  • 演示: The NAPFA New Professional Award will be made in conjunction with one of the National 会议.
  • 该奖项不必每年颁发.


This award recognizes the community service work of NAPFA成员s who have contributed their time and 财务规划 expertise to helping those in need achieve positive financial outcomes in the future. This award is presented to a planner or 财务规划 公司 in recognition of their significant pro bono contributions to a nonprofit organization, 社会服务机构或个人直接通过自己的公司.

奖项所考虑的标准 & 认可委员会:


  • How many volunteer hours were provided and/or the number of individuals served?
  • 服务是什么时候开始的,花了多长时间,多久发生一次?
  • What level of commitment did the nominee demonstrate to their pro bono engagement?


  • How has the nominee influenced the lives of the recipients of the pro bono services?
  • Has the nominee been recognized by others as being dedicated to achieving desired outcomes through their contribution of pro bono volunteer service?
  • 服务的接受者会如何评价被提名人?


  • 在过去的12个月里,志愿者的参与必须是当前的和持续的.
  • 这些活动必须包括无偿的财务建议和指导, 最好是为服务不足的人群提供一对一的服务, (e.g., 低的收入, 社会服务机构客户, 军人/退伍军人及其家属, 处于危机中的个人,如家庭暴力幸存者, 受自然灾害影响的人们, 大学生, 严重的医疗诊断, 破产, 等.).
  • 目前的NAPFA基金会董事会不符合资格.


  • 潜在的收件人: NAPFA成员或他们的公司
  • 提名过程: Nominations will be solicited from the membership through multiple communications channels. The nomination should identify the specific act(s) or performance for which the award is recommended, 以及对其影响的描述.
  • 选择过程: A committee established by the NAPFA基金会 Board of Trustees will review the nominees submitted by the NAPFA成员ship. The awards committee will summarize the nominees’ and their qualifications to the NAPFA基金会 Board of Trustees for consideration. NAPFA基金会董事会可以根据提交的候选人进行选择, narrow the list and/or request from the nominees additional information on their pro-bono efforts for a final review and vote.
  • 演示: The award will be presented in conjunction with one of NAPFA’s National 会议. Multiple nominees may be recognized annually, but the award does not have to be granted every year.
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